Surgical Operating Microscopes
Microdentistry, the incorporation of microscopic examination methods and microsurgical techniques in dental care, allows for the dentist to offer the innovative possibilities for diagnosis and therapy that today’s informed and critical patients demand.
Optimum magnifications permit the visualization of even the finest details in the tooth structure, which are simply not visible to the naked eye. This provides an unparalleled level of precision for endodontics.
Our office has Zeiss surgical operating microscopes in each of our operatories, which are used for every procedure from start to finish.
Digital Radiography
Digital radiographs are safer, faster, and diagnostically more useful in endodontics than conventional film x-rays. There is up to 80% reduction in radiation, compared to traditional film technology. Patient comfort is greatly increased by utilizing sleek and small, rounded, and beveled sensors. The resulting images are digital, allowing computer enhancement, enlargement, and evaluation, which greatly improve diagnostic and communication capabilities.
3D Imaging

X-rays are an important diagnostic tool for Endodontists, but the problem with traditional x-rays is that the image is a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional space.
The two-dimensional image hides the fine detail of tooth anatomy and the surrounding bone that can be crucial to diagnosing difficult cases. By providing a highly detailed three-dimensional image, the cone-beam CT allows for the dentist to accurately diagnose problems that would previously only have been detectible through invasive treatment procedures.
We use the Carestream CS 9000. The amount of exposure to radiation from the Carestream CS 9000, that we use in our office, is 200 times less than the radiation from a traditional medical CT scan. (Ludlow, JB) The small field of view focused on your tooth together with a digital x-ray plate allows the Carestream CS 9000 to reduce x-ray exposure as much as possible for a CT scan.
TDO Software
We use TDO Software as it is considered the best endodontic software available. It is used to manage all patient records and information and has comprehensive modules that make our office paperless, a great convenience for our patients and referring dentists. The website integration allows our patients to securely access the site to complete the medical history and consent forms online before their appointment. The software allows our referring dentists to make referral and receive their patients’ reports and imaging through secured HIPAA compliant portal right after the patient is seen. This technology enables us to diagnose and treat our patients more efficiently and to communicate more effectively with both the patient and referring doctor that is secured and HIPAA compliant.